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Using diagrams on graph paper she explained what Trig was designed to accomplish. When she was satisfied that I was beginning to grasp the concepts and get a eyeful of her black nyloned covered thighs, she gave me a sheet of paper with half dozen problems. As I set to work, she leaned back on the sofa uncrossing her legs, showing me her full-fashioned black nylon tops and lacy garters. The first two problems presented no difficulty, but the third was a bit more difficult. I looked up from the table, to think about the solution. As I said, she was leaning back and now she had parted her legs just a bit, giving me an unobstructed view up her dress to the lacy black panties, covering her pussy. A few wisps of curly, of hair peeked out. This view produced an immediate hard-on. Leaning forward, Ms Paddyspurs asked, "Trouble Rob?" Tearing my eyes from her crotch, I stammered, "Nnno mmmam." She smiled, relaxed and leaned back again. I forced myself to return to the solution of the remaining. I imagined all sorts of things like Mom saying that we couldn’t do this any more because she was my Mom, but Mom insisted that we eat breakfast and then get to talking. We finished breakfast and Mom took me by the hand and sat with me on the couch. “There are some things I have to tell you……” “Mom ………,” I started to say. She put her finger to my lips saying, “Let me say this first…OK.” ““I have not been with a man since your father left me. That is not because I didn’t like men, but because I felt I couldn’t trust men. I got friendly with a woman at work and we became real close. One day Maya, that was her name, asked if I wanted to go out for a meal. As you were at a friends place for the evening I decided to go. After dinner she asked me back to her place for a couple of drinks and asked me if I would like to stay overnight. As I had you I was doubtful but she suggested that I call your friends place and see if you could stay over for the night. I did that and you stayed.
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